Open Access Policies: Embracing Accessibility in Scholarly Communication

Explore Our Commitment to Open-Access Publishing Principles. Welcome to our Open Access Policies page, where we champion accessibility and inclusivity in scholarly communication. Our commitment to Open Access reflects our belief in the fundamental principle that knowledge should be freely available to all. Here, you'll find detailed information on our Open Access policies, including our approach to article processing charges, copyright licensing, and repository archiving.

ChanRe journals function on the open access policy because we believe that science should be reproducible, accessible, and transparent. It also helps in the wider and immediate dissemination of the latest research among researchers, students, policymakers, and funders across the globe. The increase in visibility and easier access to research benefit anyone with internet access.

The open access model makes data available to anyone with internet access. Moreover, exorbitant journal subscription charges limit the accessibility of scientific advances in the developing world. Hence, open access is highly beneficial for scientists in developing countries.

At ChanRe Journals, we believe in open access for all our journals. We ensure immediate and unrestricted access to content because we understand that sharing research freely supports global knowledge exchange. We allow the reuse of published material with proper citation. No special permissions are needed for reuse, and all articles are freely accessible for reading, downloading, copying, and distribution. Furthermore, permitted third-party reuse is governed by the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license.

Advantages of Open-Access for Authors

Our open-access model benefits authors by ensuring high availability and visibility of their work. Articles are easily accessible over the internet without subscription fees, enhancing their reach. Open-access publications are more likely to be indexed, leading to increased visibility and citation impact.

Copyright Policy

Authors submitting manuscripts confirm their authority to enter the copyright agreement. They warrant the originality of their work and agree to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, under which articles are distributed while retaining copyright ownership by the publisher.